Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Art work :-)

So the group I was volunteering for last time in Inawashiro, Japan Cat Network (JCN) are having a charity concert in Tokyo on June 10th. One multi talented organizer/ singer/volunteer and general all round star, put a plea out for artwork for a poster. I said I would 'give it a whirl'. ....and whirl it I did. It was a whole lot of fun and a tonne of experimentation went on to get the Rocking cat just right. His fans had to be of the right ilk and accessories had to say "uuuuRRRRROOOOOCCCKKuu" not
"Oh, ehm yes, Jazz". You'll see what I mean below;-)

Too foxy looking.

80's leather jacket .....VERY bad move

hmmmmm  a tangent? or workable?  

Messing about with lettering, positions and the audience. Still kind of in the 80's with those red glasses.

Ok this guy is starting to look like he could shake things up a little. I'm going to go with him for the time being. Let's see if he can draw in any fans.

Meet JayCen lead singer extraordinaire of the soon to be world famous Gen'K'atsu rock band :-) (with of course all the correct bad ass rock accessories;-))

So next step was to send it over to the aforementioned extremely wonderful Anna in order for her to work her magic on it. She created this FAB poster. So, there's the first step of the creative process. The next is happening on June 10th in What the Dicken's pub when all the bands listed are going to rock your socks off in aid of JayCen's (JCN) ongoing volunteer efforts in Fukushima. Tanoshimi!!!