Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Revisiting a tale or three

Follow ups are the bee's knees:-) We were able to stop off in Rikuzentakata, kasestsu Jyutaku and we got to visit Fu Mi and Shou's new abode. Just in case you didn't read their story the first time around here is the start:


Here is my trip two follow up: (a little ways down the post)


And here is the ending........ for the time being:

I mentioned that I got a very effervescent phone call before trip three. Fu, Mi and Shou's human Mum had finally received her Kasestu room, and she was heading straight to Animal Friends Niigata to pick them up. She was nervous about whether or not they would recognise her. By all accounts they did. She was thrilled when we stopped by on our way back to Sendai. She and her three teenage to adult children with one spouse and one baby and the three cats squished over and made us some room at the low coffee table in the cramped living room. I had brought her some butter salt cookies from Okinawa as a house warming gift. One that will be consumed quickly symbolic for a short stay in the new lodgings. Mi was in great form and quickly had a go on every seated lap just to try it out for size.

A very astute little kitty, it wasn't long before the cat presents from Okinawa were discovered, broken into and consumed. Having the way paved for them Shou and Fu soon joined in.
Shou was clearly much more relaxed than when I met him before and Fu was as adorable as ever, finding his new diaper to be a great aid to his sliding power.
The family will stay in these living arrangements for a year or more. Obviously they hope to get out sooner but there are many things to be sorted out first. They have their privacy, their family and their cherished four-leggeders and that is a huge first step.

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