Monday, March 28, 2011

Things are coming together!

This is a roller coaster ride for sure! Since deciding last week that I could not just sit and watch the destruction on TV anymore, there have been emotional peaks and valleys. The peaks keep getting higher and here is where you would expect me to say the valleys are getting lower... but they are not. I am overwhelmed by how truly selfless people have been when it comes to giving. In a few short days I met my first "ideal one month goal" with donations coming in from all over the world.

With local donations I hit the pet product shelves and while I tried my best to clear them, I hit a zone of confusion: Quantity versus Quality. Initially thoughts of feeding the 5,000 crossed my mind, sanity came to the fore and my brain reasoned any poor four-legged soul who acquiesces to our good intentions will be in dire need of decent nutrition. That should all be capitalized really. DECENT NUTRITION.  
          One of my own dogs was thrilled to pieces when I opened my car doors after this "Shopping for Tohoku" mission and I suddenly became a far off blurry voice, as his focus was honed in on all things important.

          This picture represents the tip of the iceberg of what is needed on the ground up there. I am calling for donations of both the monetary and product kind. I am bringing all local (Okinawan) donations with me and all cash donations will go to a Japanese based card system. Which will ensure trouble-free purchasing power at a large Tokyo box store. Fasten your seat belts because the next bit gets exciting:-)

Today,  a contact pulled through, I  received wonderful news that I will be picked up in Tokyo on Tuesday (29/03) by a volunteer with a two tonne flatbed truck. -interlude: apart from the "Tokyo" bit does that not sound like fodder for a country music song?.....(pause for re-reading of prior sentence ;-)) - Anyway, this piece of truly great news means I have a whole lot of room in my paypal account for a whole lot of "greenies" that work in the pet products sections of major retailers. I'm 200lbs of donations up right now, I have a good bit to go, please help me fill this truck!



  1. Thank you for helping the pets over in Japan. It's great to hear that they are being helped also.

  2. Thank you, dear Kate. Wish I could join you. Be safe up there, and give lots of hugs to lots of our fuzzy little friends.

  3. Kate, I posted your blogspot url on my fb page, not that I'm a frequent fb user. I hope you get more donations.
